An App to Find Photography Places
Gramcity is a tool that wants to help users find good photo-taking places and locations, and also wants to create a user community for them to find & share their favorite locations.
It is a modified google ventures design sprint challenge from Bitesize ux. I worked on it as one project at Springboard.
Problem defining, research synthesizing, journey map, sketch, storyboard, wireframe, porotype, usability testing
Noemi Selisker
1 Week Modified Google Ventures Design Spring
We love to take photos to keep good memories especially when we travel. However, sometimes it’s hard or there’s not enough time to find a nice photo-taking spot.
Taking notes from existing interview insights and personas helped me understand the actual user needs. Here are notes from different people:
"I want to find great places to take photos but doesn’t want to spend time researching or traveling out of the way to find them."
"I Can easily find locations and examples of the best photo ops in a city before planning out her day around visiting them. I'm willing to spend time planning out for photo taking."
A possible end-to-end user experience :
Good features from Google Map:
map display,
user images,
rating & reviews,
draw to show list
Good features from SpotHero:
selection highlighted and enlarged,
color consistency
I liked the first screen I sketched which is the place exploring page. Below is the 3-panel board: the home page comes before it, the place explore page itself, and the detailed place page that comes after.
I sketched the storyboard and thought about the possible user flows happening between the important screens.
Flow 1 - Find and save a place at the home screen
Users will use their current location to find and save a place.
Flow 2 - Find and save through the explore place screen & detailed place screen
[explore screen] explore the nearby place, find another one,
Then go to [place screen], view other people’s photos, then save it,
When going back you will see two saved places.
Home Screen
Search bar
Popular places posts
Interaction with other users by reacting to their posts
Explore Screen
Explore nearby photograph places
View the places on a map view
Also can view them in a list by opening the draw
Popular places are highlighted in the theme color
Basic info - like the distance
Save function
Click on a place to see basic info
The selected screen is enlarged
Able to see more photos taken there
Detailed Place Screen
Detailed info of this place
Full list of other users' photos and reviews
Save function
Share photos function
*Click on top right to enable full-screen mode
Thank you for reading!